A Message from History Theatre | History Theatre
History Theatre Blog

A Message from History Theatre

March 23, 2020

Dear History Theatre Friends, Artists and Patrons,

A month ago, we were all thrilled with the opening of Susan Kimberly’s world premiere SUPERMAN BECOMES LOIS LANE.  Today, we find ourselves in the midst of a national crisis. 

This is a critical time for the arts and with your kind words of support and generous gifts, we will continue to bring important, entertaining and educational works to the stage and support our staff and artists who make it all happen.

Every life in the country is affected by the crisis and History Theatre is working hard to support our artists, who have lost weeks of work, and for the Equity members, weeks of health care coverage and pension benefits.

Of course, we want our loyal fans, friends and our greater community to remain safe and sound.

Maybe someday in the distant future, a bright new Artistic Director of History Theatre will commission a new work: C-19!.  She will be honored by the Twin Cities theater community for bringing this long-forgotten story to the stage in 2084 and given a Rony AWARD for “Best New Musical of the Year.” (Some levity required, now more than ever.)

Thank you for standing by us and we look forward to the return of History Theatre to your arts calendar.

Be well and we hope to see you soon.


Ron, Karen and Company